

Branch Meetings and Socials

  • Social Saturday - York walkabout Saturday 29 March 2025 Brew York Tap Room

    We now have the details for the York town walkabout.

    Meet at the Brew York Tap Room (YO1 9TT Brew York Location ) from 1:00pm (we will be there until 2:30pm), then follow a route that will take us back to the train station via:

    • The Waggon & Horses
    • The Rook & Gaskill
    • The Phoenix Inn (York CAMRA POTY 2023)
    • The Swan (York CAMRA POTY 2024)
    • The Golden Ball

    All pubs are currently in the Good Beer Guide.

    There are trains leaving Darlington at 12:02, 12:11, 12,18, 12:28, 13:01 and 13:12, all taking approx. 30mins to York.

    Note: it is a 20 -25min walk from the station to the Brew York Tap Room. Please factor this into your travel plans.

    Although trying to predict a finishing time can be tricky, and people are free to come and go as they please, I would expect to be heading back to York station for around 7:30pm.

    We have extended the invite to join us to all of the North East CAMRA branches. If you have any questions please feel free to email Social Secretary

  • April Branch Meeting Tuesday 15 April 2025 19:30 Vault

Regional Meetings and Socials